
📔 Topic 1: Energy systems
  • Energy exploration, production, transport, and storage (oil and gas, electricity)

  • Refining and petrochemicals

  • Renewable energy and sustainable development

  • Automatics and electromechanics in renewable energy systems

  • Hybrid energy system techniques and technologies

  • Optimization of solar systems

  • Energy storage

  • Hydrogen production, transport, and storage

  • Corrosion protection

  • Magnetism and electromagnetism: Technology and industrial application

📕 Topic 2: Artificial Intelligence in Energy and Renewable Energies Systems and Industry
  • Artificial intelligence applied in PV systems and solar radiation

  • Application of control algorithms for wind speed prediction and active power generation

  • Genetic algorithms for the optimization of solar PV systems

  • The application of fuzzy systems to control and modeling Energy systems

  • Application of Artificial intelligence techniques for the reduction of energy consumption

  • Computational intelligence techniques for architectural and building acoustics

  • Hydrological Models and Artificial intelligence

  • Fault diagnostics and maintenance using Artificial intelligence techniques

  • Robotics

📗 Topic 3: Materials and plasma
  • Statistical properties and transport phenomena in plasmas

  • Plasma spectroscopy

  • Thin layers and plasma surfaces

  • Nanomaterials and nanotechnology

  • Advanced Materials

  • Materials and their applications in industry

📔 Topic 4: Environment
  • Modern methods of water treatment

  • Environmental Protection

  • CO2 and NOX elimination

  • Waste recycling

  • Air and soil pollution control techniques

  • Hydraulic resources

📕 Topic 5: Natural Sources and Physicochemical Tests
  • Medicinal plants: new extraction techniques, applications…

  • Physico-chemical tests

📗 Topic 6: Thermal Transfer
  • Phase change materials and applications

  • Cooling of electrical and electronic systems

  • Heat transfer in materials production processes

  • Heat and Mass Transfer in Agricultural Greenhouses

  • Heat transfer in industrial processing processes

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