Registration Fees

Registration and participation fees are set at:

Student Registration: ..................................7 000 DA,     5000 DA (ON-LINE PRESENTATIONS)

Researcher/Academician: ..........................9 000 DA,      5000 DA (ON-LINE PRESENTATIONS)

International researcher:..............................200 €,            100 € (ON-LINE PRESENTATIONS)

Industrial professional:.................................15 000 DA,  7500 DA (ON-LINE PRESENTATIONS)


Note: All attendees, whether participating physically or virtually, must register and confirm their participation. If no actions are taken before July 04, 2024, we will assume that you will not participate in ESAIPME'2024, and your submissions will be deleted from the system.


Payment: The registration fees must be paid via CCP: 27880 58 Cle 60 (BENKHEIRA Zinedine), and please attach the receipt in the google form and we don't have baridimob.

  • Lunches and coffee breaks

The registration and participation fees cover access to conferences, documentation, and lunch. The registration fee is paid on the day of the opening of the conference just after the arrival of the participants or by the bank account for the online presentations.

* The copy of the student card is mandatory.

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